Saturday, February 20, 2010

Learning Diary 1 - 20th February 2010

I started this week feeling rather unsure and overwhelmed; however after reading the handbook 3 times! (armed with a highlighter) and getting stuck into Judith Bell's book things are beginning to get clearer.
I found Rosemary McGuinness's blog particularly helpful; especially "Thinking about a research topic" the video interview with Peter Bryant. Having read so many words over the last few weeks, having them in a different media, in this case spoken to me, helped the concept "sink in" even more. I work well with clear guidelines which is why I found Peter's list of things to think about and do (kindly posted on Michelle Wallbank's blog) incredibly useful as it sat well with my methodical thought process.
I was worried that I would be at a distinct disadvantage being unable to attend the Campus sessions, however having it clearly and concisely posted online has helped me feel as if I am keeping up.
I have some ideas on the direction that I would like my project to take, however I need to develop these further before I will be ready to share them.

1 comment:

  1. We all have a different learning path but as long as we get to the same end point (more or less) the learning tools we use along the way will be unique to us. Thanks for your post.
