Sunday, November 15, 2009

Writing Task 1

On 27th of November at 7.30pm the Birmingham Hippodrome will be transformed into a magical Winter Wonderland as Birmingham Royal Ballet brings The Nutcracker to the West Midlands. This is the start of twenty two performances of this masterpiece, created by Sir Peter Wright choreographed to music by the world famous composer Tchaikovsky.

This Christmas cracker makes a return to the stage this festive season, proving once again its popularity with audiences both young and old. The production has been running since 1990 and has been a box office hit, with sell out performances year after year. Be sure to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

As you make your way in from the cold, wet streets of Birmingham you are given the opportunity, whilst sitting in your seats, to peer through the snow lined windows of this magnificent home preparing for a Christmas party. Warm both your hands and your heart with this magical story of a young girl, Clara who is taken on a wondrous journey and you are invited to go with her. Watch as she is transported from the comfort of the fireside in her own home to the miraculous land where sweets come to life, snowflakes fall from the sky and the nutcracker transforms from a toy to a prince.

Clara watches as her favourite sweets come to life in dances from different lands. Chocolate gains Mediterranean flair within the feisty Spanish Dance, Arabian coffee swirls within a sea of feathers, tea transforms into a duo of lively Chinese dancers and sweet candy canes complete this delicious line up.

It’s many little girls’ dreams to become a ballerina and this is their opportunity to watch this story unfold. Clara is one of these little girls and becomes the Sugar Plum Fairy, one of ballets most renowned ballerinas. The pretty pink tutu and sparkling tiara are sure to appeal to every little girl in the audience, whilst the boys will be taken with the thrilling battle scenes between the evil rats and the chivalrous soldiers. I am sure when they leave the theatre they will truly believe that they have been an integral part of this magical journey.

Children and adults also have the chance to take away a Nutcracker Doll of there own, as there is a souvenir shop within the foyer of the Hippodrome selling a wide range of merchandise that is sure to give you a piece of the ballet to keep forever.

Birmingham Royal Ballet is a world renowned ballet company with a spectacular array of young vivacious talented dancers. You will have the opportunity to see many of these dancers perform in roles that albeit created for others twenty years ago are eminently suitable for the company today.

Nutcracker is one of the most popular and spectacular ballets ever created so make sure that you are there to be taken on a magical journey right into the heart of Christmas where it is guaranteed to snow!


  1. This marketing piece of writing is very appealing. I like that you have been quite descriptive for example "sweet candy canes complete this delicious line up."
    I personally think that 500 words is alot to write for something that is to be marketed,after doing some of my own research i have understood that it should be short and precise. Its just my opinion that 500 words is to much and can lose the readers interests. What do you think?

  2. This is a well written piece of marketing writing, your use of vocabulary will draw in an audience. Going to see 'The Nutcracker' is typicaly a little girl's dream however I thought it was inventive the way you pointed out ways in which other consumer groups could enjoy the performance and thereby opening up your audience demorgraphic. I do beleive however that as you are marketing a performance in this piece you should include a box office number where tickets can be perchased and details of the location of the Hippodrome. You have sold the piece so well, your audience will want to know where they can purchace tickets to see such a wonderful performance.

    Abi I agree with you that 500 words is too long for a marketing blurb, this needs to be short, precise and interesting to grab the consumers attention and so that it is memorable however in Tasha's defence 500 words was specified word count for this task and I feel that she did very well in maintaining the readers interest through he invetive and descriptive use of language.

    Melissa (for some reason my comment as doesn't bring up my name).My blog is Melissa Dyer-Developing as a Dance Teacher

  3. Hey Tasha!

    Really liked this one, makes me feel all Christmassy!
    I agree that details of performances should be included just to finish the essay off, and give the consumer what they want!
    Hope you are well!

    Grace x

  4. Thanks again for all of the comments. I agree with adding the information about how to purchase tickets...perhaps a web link.

  5. Hi Tasha,
    I really enjoyed reading this piece of marketing writing.
    The descriptive style of writing used in places helped to compliment the content. I would love to see the show having read this article.
    I did not find the piece of writing to be too long. I thought it was just right as you covered different aspects of the show - the performance itself; the performers; the company; the audience; and the souvenir shop. Any shorter, and I feel you would have to cut something that was an important part of the piece.
    One thing I would suggest is to give the piece a title – perhaps something creative and interesting to capture the reader’s attention to the piece?
    Hope this is of some help!
