Friday, December 10, 2010

Log 4 – critical reflection on your learning across the BAPP course

In the past eighteen months I have undertaken a long journey, full of twists and turns but I finally feel that I have reached the first service station on the way to my destination. The completion of my research project has proved to be a mile stone both in my academic and ‘normal’ life. When faced with the prospect of a 12000 word project my initial feelings were a mixture of fear and excitement, and these two emotions have stayed with me throughout. I am so glad that I chose an area that I had a large amount of passion and interest in, because 12000 words was just the beginning, what ensued was months of reading, researching, collating, evaluating and writing up to a high enough standard to keep the perfectionist in me content.
This course has developed many of my skills, especially my grasp of IT programmes, including Delicious, Google Docs and opened my eyes to the word of blogging. I have had a mixed relationship with the blogs, whilst I have enjoyed reading the posts of others and have often found encouragement in the realisation that someone else is struggling with a certain subject area and that I am not wholly alone in finding something difficult, I have been less open with pouring my heart out to an online community. I have enjoyed the opportunity to comment on others ideas, as it has often helped me to re-evaluate mine in the process, and I have found the comments on my blog to often be very beneficial.

I have been able to develop the academic style of writing which was an integral part of my final research project, as well as using Harvard referencing, something that, now grasped, will prove invaluable in my academic future. The project has also taught me to efficiently, effectively and logically research and evaluate a variety of statistical data. My ability to interview and disseminate information from others, as well as having a wider understanding of a broad range of view points, have all improved as a direct result of undertaking this research project and the course as a whole.

I had always considered myself to be an organised individual, but working a forty hour week whilst completing this project and indeed the degree as a whole has made me realise the true meaning of organisation. The general planning techniques, implemented in earlier modules, set me in good stead to complete my project not only on time but three weeks early due to an imminent operation on my hip, which rather inconveniently fell just before the final hand in date.
The process of Kolb’s learning cycle which was learnt in the second module was, for me, one of the key techniques learnt throughout the course, as I was able to implement the ideas at many stages throughout my time. It was also instrumental in the development of jumbled ideas into a coherent research proposal.
I found one of the most challenging elements of the final research project to be the literature review. This wasn’t something that I had come across before, and my first attempts were not good. However, with guidance from my programme advisor and lots of reading around the subject, I was able make a marked improvement on my initial attempt.

The findings of the research project should be of benefit to my work-based learning organisation, which have helped me with the research no end. This would not have been possible without their input and it feels good to be able to give them something back in the form of ideas which should help future generations of young dancers.

Finally, I have found that the process and findings of my project have inspired me to move onwards and upwards with my academic study. I feel as if I have just scratched the service and that there are many more avenues for me to explore in greater detail. So what advice would I offer to a student about to embark upon this course? Planning, organisation and a close relationship with your organisation are all necessary tools to be able to flourish in this course.


  1. Hi Tasha,

    I am so impressed that you managed to do the degree course while doing a 40 hour working week – AND complete it early! You must be extremely organised and very good at writing reports. That is impressive and inspiring.

    I too have found that time management is an essential part of this course if you are to complete the report in time for January. Initially 12,000 words did seem quite overwhelming; however I am now spending hours trying to reduce my word count. I agree that having a project which is based around something you are interested in and passionate about is vital, as you spend so many hours reading, researching, investigating, etc.; it would be difficult to find the motivation to spend the number of hours required to make the project a successful without enthusiasm for the subjects being investigated.

    It sounds like you have enjoyed your investigation and have discovered some interesting points. I too, discovered certain points rose in my investigation that could be explored further. I am really looking forward to hearing about your project at the presentation in January.


  2. Tasha,

    Your summary of your learning across the BAPP course was a delight to read. I really like the way you have incorporated some descriptive writing in the piece, especially in the first paragraph. By doing so the reader is able to gain a sense of your feelings about the past eighteen months.
    Like you I too found the literature review one of the most challenging elements of the final module. I had never carried out one before this course and did not realise the sheer preparation and story like structure that was needed to complete one competently. Now after using this skill I feel it will be a valuable one that will stay with me throughout my professional career.
    Through reading your critical reflection it is evident that this course and your project findings have allowed you to move forward and spurred you to look into some of your findings in greater detail.
    I like the way you offer advice to a student about to start the BAPP course at the end of your summary. Not only is this useful advice to new student’s, ending with an answered question puts a nice close on your piece of writing.
